Time Magazine Op-ed: Our Books Help Teach LGBTQ Themes in Schools. Should SCOTUS Allow Parents to Opt Out?
Keeping Up With Gender Fluid Children
Gender fluidity in young people can pose unusual challenges for adults who want to support them. Read more here.
A Rock and a Hard Place
Sarah Hoffman’s young son’s preference for dresses, long hair and tiaras makes for some very difficult parenting choices.
Please Let My Gender-Nonconforming Kid Pee Where They Want
From the first day of first grade, Sam was harassed in the hall bathroom.
Keith Ablow: Until You Have a Gender-Nonconforming Child, Stop Condemning Those Who Do
Sarah Hoffman challenges CNN’s Keith Ablow to walk a mile in the shoes of parents of gender non-conforming kids
My Son, the Pink Boy
Moms ask if my “feminine” son is gay. Strangers tell me I’m being too permissive. Here’s what they don’t understand.
Let Them Be
What’s the proper parental response when faced with a kid who’s gender variant?
The Pink Dress
Young Sam demands to wear a dress to school, forcing his parents to make a decision: protect him from ridicule or cultivate his self-expression?