“Waiting,” Camp You Are You, 2011

by Sarah
“Waiting,” Camp You Are You, 2011
by Sarah
So heeeeeeeeeeere’s the big exciting news for today.
My Sarah Hoffman website is imminently going to become a Sarah & Ian Hoffman website, shared with my delightful co-author and hubby Ian, with a brand new name and look. There you will be able to read our blog (yes Ian’ll at least sometimes be my co-blogger), find out where we’ll be appearing to read/discuss Jacob’s New Dress, buy the book, read my other writing, and oh-so-much more. The changeover should be happening tonight, if all goes according to plan (though really? when does that ever happen?), and as soon as that does happen I’ll send you the new web address so you can check out the site and tell us all about what you love and hate about it.
As you know, with change sometimes comes growing pains. Our web mistress has warned that if you are subscribes to my posts you may get some old blog posts re-emailed to you once the switch occurs (but this would be a one-time thing, an uncontrollable Feedburner glitcheroo). Please try to consider this an opportunity to re-read the posts and go to the website to comment on them. Or, you know, just delete the pesky emails. Apologies for any challenges this poses to your inbox management.
And, in other news, Sam has black fingernails today with tiny skulls painted on them, the artwork executed by our talented babysitter-cum-manicurist. On a formerly-long-haired-and-dress-wearing, opera-loving, not-remotely-goth boy, it’s something of a statement (and no, this photo is not of Sam’s nails–he’s eleven, not thirty). Our lovely middle school principal stopped Sam and asked about his nails, looking at them closely and commenting about how skilled his manicurist must have been. Way to normalize it, my hero of a principal.
So that’s all the news that’s fit print. We’ll look forward to hearing what you think of the new website. As always, thanks for reading.
by Sarah
Lots happening in the world of Jacob’s New Dress….
Today our interview with Our Family Coalition is up on their website. If you don’t know about their work, check them out–they do all sorts of fabulous education about LGBT parenting, families, and kids, and their work in schools is excellent.
There are currently two giveaways of Jacob’s New Dress on the blogs of two of my favorite mombloggers: Carrie Goldman of Portrait of an Adoption is doing a giveaway (and wrote a really thought-provoking review), and Lori Duron of Raising my Rainbow is also doing a giveaway–comment on the blog for a chance to win your free, autographed copy. Thanks mamas!
We’ve got pics up on Facebook of Jacob’s New Dress in independent bookstores from California to Massachusetts. Please post photos of copies of Jacob when you see them–it’s so heartening to us to see them out in the world. Share photos of your family reading the book, and share your stories. We love to hear them!
Sarah & Ian
Check out our upcoming events to see if we’ll be heading to your area.